Tuesday, May 17, 2011

THE Greatest Privilege

If you were asked the question, "What is THE greatest privilege?" I am sure you would ponder and offer one of many good answers:

  • Being a parent
  • Loving your "job"
  • Your Education
  • Public Service Employment...Teacher, Policemen, Firemen, ServiceMen, etc...
  • Being an American
Now, I am not arguing that any and all of those answers are good, very good even...

...but, for me, and probably for you, (even if you don't know it...yet) THE greatest privilege is one, simple word:


"Faith without works is dead."  James 2:20

I have heard that verse for years, decades even. 
I believed it, I encourged it, lived it, and loved it.

But, it wasn't until I lost it, the gift-the joy-the privilege of serving, that I truly understood it.

It being...that verse in James.

That you can believe with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind...but if you do not act on those beliefs... well, then you might need to ask yourself if, in fact, you have that faith?

I was in a valley and simply unable to love others for Him, through serving.  It wasn't my fault and I had zero choice, but it still left a G.I.A.N.T. void in my spirit.

Sure... PowerJam suffered, Small Groups were let down, Dramas were abandoned, and many people did not receive cards, meals, visits, or e-mails...but the biggest disappointment was a personal loss.

For serving... IS. A. PRIVILEGE.

You are the winner.
You get the prize.
You walk away with a joy in your heart that can be explained no. other. way.

If you don't believe me, it is really, ummm...YOU that is missing out.

Try it.

Love someone for Him.

Because they have loved you...

Because their lives are facing a challenge...

Or because it is the only way to show someone Christ's love.

There is zero opportunity for regret. 

Oh, and, He kinda tells us to.

The happiness part is just a GIANORMOUS bonus.

Yep, it is true...the best things in life ARE free.

So, don't miss out on THE privilege. 

Serve Him today.

Just KNOWING these two girls, who serve, selflessly, fills my heart

Any chance I get to love on these two people I jump on...for they give so much, every day, for His Kingdom.
Beautiful People deserve to feel His Beautiful Love

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